DigiBib - Digitale Bibliothek
Select location
You may use the map displayed below or the search function to identify all libraries
that provide their users with access to the DigiBib portal.
Please note that the range of functions varies from library to library. In most cases,
the full range of functions can only be used by holders of a library card issued by
the respective institution.
About this website
DigiBib - The Digital Library is the name of a cloud-based service offered by the
North Rhine-Westphalian University Library Centre (hbz) to public
and academic libraries.
These libraries can use DigiBib to provide a standardised access point for their users to heterogeneous
information and service offerings, including online interlibrary loans.
In addition, it is also possible to use DigiBib as an online catalogue with an integrated user account
- for managing loans, reservations and fees.
Further information, particularly for libraries, can be found on the product web page.